How Long Does It Take To Recruit A Physician?

The time it takes to recruit a physician can vary depending on several factors, including the specific requirements of the role, the availability of suitable candidates, and the efficiency of the recruitment process. Generally, recruiting a physician can take anywhere from 3 to 6 months (even longer in some instances, especially where relocation and obtaining new state licensure is involved), but bringing on a contingency recruiting firm such as CHS Recruiting can expedite the process.

As to why the process can take so long, there are a few key reasons:

1. Sourcing and screening. This initial phase involves creating a job description and effectively advertising the position to attract potential candidates. Screening the applications, reviewing resumes, and shortlisting candidates can be time consuming, especially when dealing with a large pool of applicants. Hiring an expert healthcare recruiter can cut this time by a substantial amount.

2. Interview and selection process. This phase often involves multiple rounds of interviews, including phone or video interviews and in-person meetings. Coordinating schedules between candidates, interviewers, and decision-makers can be challenging and may prolong the process. At CHS Recruiting, we always conduct the initial screening interview on your behalf, so that you are only speaking with qualified candidates who know about your organization and the specific role to which they’re applying.

3. Credentialing and background checks. Before hiring a physician, hospitals and healthcare organizations typically conduct thorough credentialing and background checks to ensure the candidate meets the necessary qualifications and has a clean professional record. This process can involve verifying education, licenses, certifications, and professional reference checks.

4. Negotiations and contract finalization. Once a suitable candidate is identified, negotiations on terms - such as compensation, benefits, work schedule, and other contractual details - may take some time. This stage often involves back-and-forth discussions and may require legal review. Having a third party recruiter can be invaluable as a go-between during negotiations, ensuring that each side has a sounding board who can liaise on their behalf.

5. Notice period and relocation. If the physician is currently employed elsewhere, they may have to provide a notice period to their current employer, which can further delay their start date. Additionally, if the candidate needs to relocate, it may take time for them to make necessary arrangements, such as finding housing and/or obtaining state licenses.

6. Immigration and visa processes. In cases where the physician is from a different country and requires a work visa or immigration clearance, the recruitment process can be more complex and time consuming due to government procedures and paperwork.

7. Specialization and demand. Certain specialties or subspecialties may have a limited pool of qualified candidates. The recruitment process for these positions might take longer due to the need to find highly specialized professionals who meet specific requirements. The recruiters at CHS Recruiting have access to specialty databases which allow us to reach the right candidates before anyone else.

To expedite the recruitment process, healthcare organizations can streamline their internal processes, use technology to facilitate candidate screening and interviews, and ensure clear communication and prompt decision-making throughout the process. We consider ourselves partners in your search and make every effort to ensure that the process is moving forward in a timely manner.

Those are just some of the reasons why hiring a physician can take extended periods of time. To expedite the process, consider hiring an external healthcare recruiting firm such as CHS Recruiting.